thnx elite666 for the rain! :D

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


hi everyone i am a new author my name is idot and i am happy to be an author on this awesome blog! =D

party short

there waas a party today it rained drops and then we had only helmets and out clothes and no face lolz!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

a party with people where calling jessie but i looked on my buddy list and she wasnt on it rained wigs 1 year shirts shoes and many other things and big magic the giant kindso tell me what u think lots of mod magic too until next time

Thursday, October 15, 2009


sorry i have not been posting that much it is because i have so much school work (hw)  my teacher is so mean lolz well if u would like to work on this site just find me i am usually on chocoalte or at partys and my name is cooldude1445 for those ppl who didnt no ! peace out!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sad chobot

Sad chobot here,
Im sad cause my screen could not load on chobots so i missed the party so yeah bye

Friday, October 9, 2009


there was a great party at the rockmall street with chobot and chlos but you no what they didnt talk that much at all i kinda ot bored and i have a vid ill uploaad sometime soon you will see what i ment by the not talking what so ever my account name is doritocool1445 and the other one for my chobots vids is thecooldude1445 well plz follow this blgo and sub my youtube account ill make 1 vid or more a week bec of school i got so much home work after school it stink

                                                                               ur friend cooldude1445 :)


Waz Up im a new author and im not gana tell u who i am so lets have a contest who ever gets my name right i will play 3 rounds of a game with them and the game is their choice and i let them win here are some hints

im an agent
im a girl
i like to joke around
my initals are ff

so lets c who will win u have until 13 of october